Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's Here!

Tomorrow is today and today we officially open the second location of felicity&fritz!  It has been a long time coming. A full year (plus hours more) of planning to bring our fashion girls a bigger and better place for you to lose yourself in all that is the pretty of fashion.

I want to take this time to put attention on the woman behind it all. The Owner of felicity&fritz (first and foremost, this bloggers mother) is one of the hardest working women I have ever met. Five years ago, she took one of the greatest risks - getting into an industry she knew very little about - yet she took on every challenge with seemingly no fear and a level of confidence I hope to one day fully achieve myself. 

My mom, Bessie Nikolopoulos, Owner of felicity&fritz is an amazing woman who loves everyone of her clients. Though she may not always remember your name, I guarantee you she remembers that you told her you were going on vacation or that you had just received a promotion or that your kids just got their braces removed. Because that's the thing about my mom. She cares. She cares about the people around her and makes you feel like you have been friends for a lifetime even in your first meeting.

So I am somewhat selfishly using this post to ask however many fashion loving readers out there there are to comment on this post, leave a comment on our facebook wall (or even better come into our stores today!) and give my mom her well deserved shout out!

Congratulations mamacita!!

☮ peace and fashion

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