Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Giving Back Is Always In Style

While I work with clients daily, as well as front as fashion blogger bringing fellow fashion girls the latest in style, I am also a student at St. Lawrence College. As today was the first day back after the long summer days, in true SLC fashion my classmates and I were challenged by our professor, Jim Hamilton (disclaimer: Professor Hamilton is one of the greatest profs I have ever had...and I'm not sucking up I swear).

And so, we were split into groups (three cheers for Team Four!) and were challenged to gather donations for the ever growing organization Kiva.  Kiva is an amazing organization, as it is funding the entrepreneurial endeavors of individuals in impoverished countries through microfinance.

 image retrieved from

Pendo Luisi, for example, acquired a $175 loan November 2007 to sell merchandise door-to-door once her teacher's salary could no longer support her and her family. She sells new handbags, shoes, bed sheets, and fabrics, and makes about $10-$14 a day from this trade. From the profits, she opened a small snack shop 3 months ago and now hires a shop assistant so that she can continue selling door-to-door. The shop brings in a profit of around $3-$5 a day. With her savings and a new loan, Pendo hopes to open a new business, a cafĂ©. 

To help others like Pendo experience their own success, either hop on over to our page above felicity&fritz and St. Lawrence College or go to and donate to TEAM FOUR!

☮ peace and fashion

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